BRIC Presents Local’s Night
Hear from local Investors and Real Estate professionals speak on the following topics: Wholesaling, Retailing, Landlording ,Land Trusts, Assignments, Code Issues and more with a Question & Answer session to follow.
We will also have a local real estate attorney as one of our speakers. Don’t miss this informative meeting!
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Registration begins at 6:30 pm
Meeting begins at 7:00pm Sharp
DoubleTree Hilton Deerfield Beach
100 Fairway Drive, Deerfield Beach 33441
If you have any questions, call BRIC at (561) 391-REAL
Admission: $20 Non-Members, BRIC Members FREE (You must present your membership card)
BRING A GUEST FREE if you present this flyer at registration!